Millions of married couples around the world each year conclude that separation is the only option. While this is a bitter pill to swallow for some, in many cases it is the healthiest option for both partners. Data relating to divorce rates in the U.S. indicate that over 630,000 married couples separated in 2020 alone.
There is no doubt about it, separation is rarely easy. Coping with divorce is often difficult. Many find the discussions relating to finances, family, and relationships post-divorce overwhelming.
This is where a divorce therapist can play an invaluable role in helping mediate between both parties, allowing for as smooth a separation as possible. Additionally, a divorce therapist can offer you the support you need to manage stress and rebuild your self-esteem. Separation is stressful enough as it is without needing to travel, get stuck in traffic, and waste even more of your precious time. Online therapy for divorce is soon becoming the go-to way to find an amicable end to marriage.
What Is Divorce Online Therapy?
Online therapy is a medium of providing therapeutic support to married couples looking to divorce peacefully from the comfort of their home. It has been shown to be just as effective as face-to-face therapy.
Not only is it convenient, it is also significantly more affordable financially and allows for more regular contact with your divorce therapist. Just like face-to-face therapy, online therapy sessions are run by certified professionals. Although this form of therapy has been around for some years, it has exploded in popularity since COVID-19 hit for obvious reasons.
Online therapy for divorce is whereby a divorce therapist helps both parties by: gaining the trust of each of the individuals in the marriage, promoting a healthy environment conducive to decision-making and assisting with any emotional support that is required in the process.
Aside from helping out with the process of divorce, online therapy for divorce can also be an opportunity to look at the possibilities that will be opening up to you in the future.
What Are The Different Types Of Online Divorce Therapy?
There are three different sub-categories when it comes to online therapy for divorce, these are:
The thought of an impending divorce can send shockwaves through a person’s life. It isn’t uncommon for married couples seeking divorce to be suffering from depression relating to the loss of connection and anxiety about the future.
Individual online therapy sessions allow clients to work closely with their divorce therapist to bring to the surface critical issues affecting their mental health. This provides the client with an opportunity for a roadmap to be tailored to their needs, moving them towards a healthier state of mind for the future.
Maintaining healthy communication in a marriage that is falling apart is one of the hardest feats a couple can attempt. Unfortunately, this often means that significantly more damage is caused on both parties than could otherwise be avoided with professional help.
A divorce therapist acts as a mediator, promoting healthy communication and allowing for the necessary conversations in a peaceful environment.
While a marriage ending can be a painful experience for the couple themselves, it can be just as painful if not more so for the children. Unable to really make sense of what is going on, children can be scared by the experience of witnessing their primary caregivers in the process of separation.
Family therapy allows the entire family unit to access the support of a therapist, ensuring that their emotional needs are understood and strategies put in place to ensure they are met moving forward.
Are You In Need Of Online Divorce Therapy?
Are you finding that you need support on how to get over a divorce? Maybe you are still in the midst of separation talks and find the whole situation overwhelming? Experiencing pre-divorce can feel like your walls are caving in, it is certainly one of the most stress-inducing experiences we as humans have to endure in our lifetime.
Divorce counseling can be an excellent way to get whatever is on your mind off your chest. With the support of a divorce therapist, you can share the burden of the experience and ensure that you’re doing your best to put yourself and your family in the best position possible moving forwards.
Here are some signs that may indicate you need divorce counseling support:
There will naturally be a grieving process that takes place pre- and post-divorce. When vows are made, they are made for life. Divorce can cause depression for a multitude of reasons; these include but are not limited to: shame, loss, and conflict.
If you are feeling the effects of depression, it is best to address it sooner rather than later. Not only will depression affect your health, but it will also prove detrimental to separation talks and your ability to be there for your children in this confusing and painful period of their lives.
On TedX, Tamara D. Afifi gave a fascinating speech regarding the effects of divorce on children:
Divorce counseling is an excellent way to ensure that your mental health needs are met in the process of a healthy separation.
Having concerns about the future is completely natural when going through a divorce. There are many different things that a person can stay up all night thinking about when their marriage is falling apart. Will I ever find someone else? How will this affect the kids? How am I going to explain this to my parents?
These are just some of the questions among countless others that a divorce therapist has dealt with hundreds if not thousands of times. Anxiety is one of the most common mental disturbances we experience, and this is further fuelled when a significant change in our life is imminent such as a marriage dissolving. Coping with divorce doesn’t need to be done alone, much of the anxiety that is experienced can be significantly reduced through adequate professional support.
Arguments corrode relationships. If a married couple are arguing often, this will only further damage the weakened connection. Careful measures must be implemented when a relationship is at a crisis point.
By accessing professional support such as online divorce therapy, you can ensure that damage control measures have been put in place, including managing anger. Maintaining a healthy level of communication between those involved can be a real game-changer when it comes to ensuring pre and post-divorce life is as smooth as possible.
It is important to note that consistent arguments can leave a life-long impression on children and the way they perceive relationships in the future, it is never too late to seek help from a professional to ensure separation affects young impressionable minds as little as possible in a negative way.
Low self-esteem
Remember that saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” Try telling that to a person going through a divorce.
It isn’t uncommon for unkind remarks to be flung back and forth in heated situations between couples in a failing marriage. Unfortunately, these exchanges often lead to lasting dents in each other’s self-esteem.
If you feel that your self-esteem could really do with a boost, you may need some professional support to aid you on the journey to that old you that was confident and sure-footed. Life can really do a number on us; however, that is why services like therapy exist in the first place. Online therapy for divorce makes access to support when going through marriage separation even easier! Check out this article for more tips on managing your mental health.
In The Meantime, What Can You Do To Help Yourself?
While talking with a professional is your best option, there are things you can do right now to alleviate some of the strain you are under. Here are some tips that will allow you to feel better today:
Do something you enjoy
Taking an hour or two for yourself can really make all the difference. Having a bubble bath, going to the movies with an old friend, or simply reading a book are all great ways to allow your mind and body to take a break. While this may seem unproductive, especially for the workaholics among us, self-care is actually essential for optimal living.
While meditation can bring up uncomfortable thoughts both relating to the past or future, mindfulness anchors you in the present moment. Mindfulness is a mental exercise that is highly effective as a form of relief, especially when you are going through a turbulent time. Coping with divorce is a difficult time in any person’s life; however, if we can remain present, we are able to count our blessings.
Final Words
While many married couples go through a divorce, it is nonetheless a heartbreaking experience. Fortunately, there is help available through the support of professional divorce therapists. Thanks to the advancement of technology, especially the internet, we can now make the most of online therapy. This has made access to support easier than ever before.